
Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Impact of a Teacher

When I look back on my greatest days in high school, some of the memories that fill my mind are the memories I made with my friends under the Friday night lights, but others are memories that I made in the classroom that involve a group of women that helped shape me in to the woman I am today.
This group of women were my teachers. Ironically all of them were either English or History teachers, classes which I did a lot of writing and exploring the art of words and literature, learning about how it shapes our society. Ironically enough when I no longer had someone giving me creative writing assignments I started this blog. My English teachers throughout the years, helped me discover one of my favorite escapes from the world. (Sorry that I probably exercise drastic grammatical errors throughout every blog post. We all know I was never good at commas.) These women went above and beyond teaching me how to read, and write, and memorize dates, or periods of time. These women pushed me every day to be my best, to put my best foot forward, and to be involved inside and outside of the classroom. People will tell you that in college your professors will not care what struggles you are having, they will still expect you to perform at your best, and this is true. You cannot sweet talk yourself into a good grade in college, trust me I tried many times.
Although I had one professor my whole freshman year that I really connected with, and felt like was a good mentor for me, I will still never forget the teachers that I had in high school. So here is a little inside for you, I disliked high school. (But then again only a select few actually like high school.) The teachers that I had made it bearable, and kept me coming back every day with an open mind ready to learn something new. So after all those years of dedication, I thought I would say a little thanks.

To Mrs. Robin Owen:
You were my 8th grade English teacher, I had you 3rd period I believe, or maybe 4th, but I enjoyed your class so much! I never truly had a favorite subject until I was in your class, and after I figured out that English was my thing I did so good at it, I now don’t have to take it anymore. It is actually a little depressing. I don’t think you ever realized how much of an impact your class made on me, but thank you for helping me find my niche!

To Mrs. Oretha Ferguson:
You know I loved your class, and you so so much. From the time I had you for sophomore English until the day I graduated you were my go to person when I needed some advice. You edited all of my college scholarship papers, and you spent so much time writing recommendation letters for me. I will always look up to you, and you will always be one of my favorite teachers of all time. When I was ever discouraged you never hesitated to open your door to me for a chit chat. We have had guy talks, friend talks, and educational talks. You encouraged me every chance you could, and you helped me to see the best in myself, rather than to focus on my flaws. I used to love writing papers in your class. I always was so eager to get my paper back, because I knew that I might not have always gotten the grade I wanted, but my grade would be justified with a rubric, and a hand written note would be in the margin saying what I could improve on, in that perfect cursive handwriting that you have. I never had a doubt in my mind that you cared about me, and every other student that you had in your class. Thank you Mrs. Ferguson. Thank you for believing in me, and continuing to believe in me all of these years.

To Ms. Shelly Loewen:
You are just a neat person. You have so much knowledge about history. Although it is a subject that I never thought I would really enjoy, you made it entertaining for me. So entertaining in fact that you almost gave me no choice to switch to AP the following semester. But you knew I could make a good grade in your class, that I was up for the challenge, and you were right. I just had to have someone to push me a little. Not only did I work with you in the classroom, but we spent many hours together outside the classroom as well. I loved being involved in Student Council. I loved planning homecoming all of my junior year, it was so stressful, but so much fun. I loved your class, and I loved our talks, it was hard to say goodbye to you my last day. I will always remember you and your stage. Thank you for giving me tasks that I thought I would never be able to accomplish. You taught me how to be more of a leader, and I will have you to thank for that forever. By the way congrats on your Master’s Degree in Counseling! You finally made it!!

To Mrs. Courtney Beland:
You are by far the coolest junior English teacher to ever live. You were always cracking jokes, and you made your class fun. Which for me is saying a whole lot since it was my first period class my junior year. I will always be thankful for you and your easy going spirit. You taught me how to get things done, but have a great time doing it. You also taught me that actually reading the reading assignment is not always a half bad idea, hence the fact that one of my favorite books is now The Great Gatsby. I hope that I am as cool of a mom as you are someday, you have an awesome and beautiful family. Thank you for giving me some time to laugh during one of the toughest years, course wise, of my high school career. Junior year would have been a nightmare without you!

To Ms. Karen Davis:
Senior year AP English. Man your class was a blast, but definitely not a breeze. You have more knowledge about Literature than I think any other person I have ever met. You also love grumpy cat, and Thor more than any other person I have ever met as well. You pushed me to get over my senioritis and for that I will always thank you. Senior year might be the end of high school, but it wasn’t the end of education for me, so there was no sense in turning off my brain. Thank you for spending so many hours cracking jokes, and stuffing diplomas. Wouldn’t have gotten that special piece of paper without your help.

To all the other teachers:

Just because you did not get a spotlight, does not mean you were not just as important. Teachers are a special kind of people, with more patience in one day than I might have my whole life. Thank you for being pushers. Thank you for spending the extra time to sponsor a club that occupied so much of my time. Thank you for sacrificing time with your family to tutor me a little extra, or put together a test early, just because I needed to take it earlier than scheduled. Thanks for making a makeup test, instead of giving me a zero. Thank you for doing everything you could to bump my grade, even if that meant you had to give me .01 point so that I could actually receive that borderline A. Thank you for letting me into your life, thank you for letting get to know your sweet kids. But ultimately, thank you for shaping me into the woman that I am today, and teaching me the biggest lesson of all, no matter what the people say, I can do it.