Love, a simple word that can be put in the middle
of two other words and mean so much. It describes the way people feel about a
partner, a pet, a family member, even inanimate objects. Love sometimes isn't taken seriously, which results in people using it to play on individual’s
emotions for their personal gain. Love is what little girls dream about and
hope that they will find one day with their own Prince Charming or Ken doll,
hey it is what college girls dream about too.
walked off the stage at graduation holding in my hand a diploma that finally
set me free from immature boys and the weird “talking stages” of high school
relationships… or so I had thought. I went through a summer of lonely weekends
while everyone who was still dating their high school sweethearts went to the
lake and partied the nights away like they weren't going to have broken hearts
in just two sweet short months. But while I was sitting at home thinking I had
the whole love thing figured out, reality was I didn't and neither did any
other girl for that matter. We were all along for the terrifying ride.
week before college started I moved into my dorm, said my goodbyes, and went to
greet the other girls moving onto my floor. Looking back on it now that is how
I met one of my closest friends Callie, and through her I met my other super
close friend named Anna Grace. The duo had been friends in high school and it
just so happened they knew girls that I had gone to elementary school with
before I moved when I was nine. Later on as I gave up my cellphone from seven
AM to six PM each night for sorority rush, I mean recruitment, I met and talked
with girls from all walks of life, all agreeing on one single thing. We were
here to have a great time, hopefully learn something, and maybe just pick up a
boy on the way too. We were looking for love in college.
But what I did not find my first semester was love, and I know exactly why. It was because before I could pour my time and energy into another person, first I needed to start pouring my time and energy into God. I realized that until my relationship with God was where it needed to be there was no reason for me to be looking to fall in love with anyone else. So now this is my blog, I hope y'all enjoy it. This is my journey of how each and every day I am falling deeper in love with my Savior.