So lately this topic has been laying heavy on my heart. The fact that women in my generation are so obsessed with the fact that they have to be a perfect size, have a perfect personality, and enjoy all the things a "perfect" girl would. Colbie Calliat, in 2014. released a song called, "Try," which put emphasis on the idea that women don't have to fit the "perfect" mold that society seems to call for these days. It was one of the most inspiring songs I have ever heard, and when the world gets to me I listen to it as a quick reminder that I don't have to try so hard for anyone. The simple fact is if I want to wear makeup I do it for me, not for anyone else. The picture below is a picture I had someone take of me a sisterhood event, while I was running a 101-degree fever, not wearing any makeup, and had only eaten Chicken Noodle Soup and saltine crackers that day. This picture is me real, raw and exposed.
The simple fact is that God made all things perfect. You are the perfect version of you, not anyone else. You shouldn't compare yourself to Susie Q because Susie Q isn't you. Even identical twins have slight differences that make them unique and perfect in their own way. 1 Samuel 16:7 says, "Do not look on his appearance or the height of his stature because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees; man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." There is not importance in the outward appearance in God's eyes. A person can be the most beautiful person in the eyes of the world, but to the Lord, they could be considered uglier than dirt. Lately, that has been my focus as I go day to day living in a house full of great, beautiful girls. I have started to aim to admire someone else's beauty without questioning my own. I have found that not only do I have a better attitude towards myself and my appearance, but I also have a more positive attitude. Once I stopped making working out a chore and decided to do it because I actually really enjoy running, I found that I am in better shape than I have been in since high school.
In the end, the only thing that matters is the fact that you were beautiful on the inside. Yes, being pretty is cool and exciting, but taking care of your body, and your mind is even greater than that. So be brave, be cool, and be the best version of yourself that you can be, because everyone else is taken.
A. McLain
Monday, April 25, 2016
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
You don't need beauty to be successful.
Today, March 8, 2016, is International Women’s day. Women all over the world are making strides to aid the rights of women, but lately, I have noticed that the women that we idolize are not the women using their brain, and going on the front lines of battle. The people that our girls are idolizing are women such as the Kardashians. Now, I like the show that they have just as much as the next girl, but I don’t think Kim Kardashian is a good role model. Just the other day she put a post on her social media saying, “When you’re like I have nothing to wear LOL.” As the caption and the picture was her nude with sensor bars over two spots of her body. This post screams out to me that she wants people to find her worth in her body, instead of her brain or abilities, and this is the absolute wrong message. To be a successful woman you do not have to sell yourself to the media, you don’t have to compromise your beliefs and values. So in honor of International Women’s Day, I decided to share with you some women that I think are great examples of the right way to be successful women, and women that are worth admiring.
Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner

Barbara Walters

J.K. Rowling

Nancy Brinker
These are just a few women of the many thousands that work to make a difference in our society every single day. Yes the Kardashians are great entertainment, and I’m sure they do very well for themselves, but in my opinion, these women are the real ones running the show!
Happy International Women’s Day!
Sunday, January 31, 2016
New Beginnings
Sometimes we choose to start over. We choose a new job, a
new city, or maybe a new wardrobe. Recently I embarked on a new journey in my
life. I call it the “Following God’s Perfect Plan.” I have lost some people
already, but you know some people are only meant to be in our life for a short
time, I guess, I’m really not sure. It isn’t my plan remember? God’s plan is
hard to follow, but the key is to not only pray for Him to guide you in the way
that He wants you to grow, but for Him to give you peace with it too.
So I bet some of you are thinking, how are you saying
goodbye to people close to you and having peace with it? Let me clear that up.
Like I said, some people are meant to be in your life for a certain phase, and
others are meant to be in your life for the long run. The ones I am losing God
didn’t plan to be in my life for the long run. When you realize and accept that
God has your best interest in mind, and that He will not lead you in the wrong
way, it is very easy to let go. It is almost liberating honestly. You let go, and
then you just feel at peace, because once again God’s plan.
Others might be wondering what His plan is for me. That is
the best part of it all, I don’t know!! I am having faith in Him, letting Him
lead me blind step by step. I really think that everyone should do this. Not
just because as Christians we are called to follow, listen, and communicate
with Him, but because it is exhilarating! I wake up every morning, take my
shower and just think of all the awesome things God might have planned for me
that day. I get giddy just thinking about it! Who will He have me meet? Will I
have a chance to impact them in some way? Will someone have a great impact on
me that day? Or maybe I will just be prepared for a pop quiz and He will bless
me with the wisdom and knowledge to pass it! The possibilities are absolutely
endless, and for a person that is an hour by hour planner, having a little spontaneity
in my life doesn’t hurt at all.
I would say the hardest part about all of this process would
be to not doubt Him. If you are called to do something, don’t ask if He is
sure, because I promise you He is. If you are going to live your life in
pursuit of God’s plan you must have complete faith in Him, which means no
doubting! I would say the second hardest part is how to know if God is asking
me to do a particular thing, or not. Which I have found if I pray for a
completely obvious, smack in the head of, “Lex do this!” He will give it to me!
It is amazing that if you just ask for something, the way He answers you! I
challenge every single one of you to listen to God every day. There is this
song that my dad used to sing to me when I was little called Today Is Mine, by
Jeremy Reed. Today and every day is yours, but remember it is also God’s day
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